Tuesday, May 25, 2010

First Appointment

I had my first appointment yesterday and I must say Dr. Walsh is great I really like her and how she does things. (Jumping back to the beginning) of course we start off just trying to get to her office and like always as things must happen we can't find it, so we called and finally made it to her office a little late. Once we were called in they talked to us about what we were going to do you know the usual stuff some blood work and then a sonogram. After we get through the other stuff we go in for our sonogram. Once the Lady gets everything ready we see our baby for the first time.

It was so cute this was it's first picture! Before she took the pictures the little baby was in the middle sitting there and then it started to wiggle around! It was kicking it's legs and moving it's little arms I loved it. It looked like how babies move when they are happy laying on their backs. It was the cutest thing Peter and I have ever seen. It did this for a few minutes and then whoosh it moved to the spot it is at in the picture. I think it mush have been thinking "wo what is that get it way" or "ooo look mommy and daddy can see me" I hope it was that one!

While we were still looking at the baby I noticed something . . . it has Peter's jaw I think, I thought it was funny.

This last picture is my favorite if you look very close you can see some of it's little fingers so cute! Peter and I are really happy and so excited for our little baby Due Dec. 15, 2010!